Verbena bonariensis

Verbena bonariensis #1
Verbena bonariensis #1
Verbena bonariensis #2
Verbena bonariensis #2

Verbena brasiliensis, V.patagonica

Common Names:
purple top, Argentinian vervain
Description and Uses:

V. bonariensis is a tall perennial with erect, branching stems to 2m in height, bearing sparse, oblong leaves and numerous branched clusters of small, purple flowers from summer to autumn.
Often described as a ‘see through plant’ since despite its’ height the wiry stems do not hide other plants.
Long-flowering and attractive to insects.

Cultivation Requirements:

Grow in moist but well-drained or well-drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun. In cold areas, protect with a dry winter mulch.

Cut down in spring as new growth emerges from the base; deadhead in autumn if seed is not required.


Best planted in the spring to avoid winter wet.


Generally free from pests and diseases. Can rot off in the Winter.


Propagate by seed in pots at 18-21°C in autumn to early spring or allow to self-seed. Self-seeding can be prolific in well-drained and gravelly soils.

Softwood cuttings (basal or heel) in spring or summer.